Archive for '2010 Journal' Category
Refreshed Hummingbird feeders
put out feed for animals
Posted in
2010 Journal, Food
wrapped outdoor water pipes for freeze protection
refreshed 4 Hummingbird feeders
fed animals and filled feeders
refilled man made pond
Posted in
2010 Journal, Food, Water
Refreshed Hummingbird feeders
put out feed for animals, Milo for Deer, sunflower seeds in feeders and scattered in wood pile
refilled man made pond with water hose from well water

man-made pond needs refilling occasionally due to evaporation and leakage
Posted in
2010 Journal, Food, Water
Refreshed Humminbird feeders
filled all bird seed feeders
Posted in
2010 Journal, Food
Lantana plants in full bloom
left only 6 Hummingbird feeders up, not many Hummingbirds
many Sparrows
heard Red-shouldered Hawk
many Cardinals
Blue-grey Gnatcatcher at Bee brush plant
Posted in
2010 Journal, Census, Habitat
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