Hunters got 3rd Doe this year and one Fawn
Saw Mockingbird
Saw two Crows chasing a small Hawk
Posted in
Census, 2014 Journal
Continued with experiment to remove KR Bluestem grass:
Sprayed 32 ounces of Horticultural Vinegar, 20%, in an area about 16 feet by 13 feet.
Put out fire ant bait to sterilize queens
Saw hawk hunting at bird feeding area
Saw Road Runner preening in sunny field
Saw Lesser Goldfinch at feeder
Saw Buckeye Butterfly
Saw Sleepy Orange Butterfly
Saw small Opossum at Racoon feeding area
Posted in
Census, Habitat, Predator, 2014 Journal
Saw very large water snake in small pond by house, about 2 1/2 feet long
Posted in
Census, 2014 Journal
2 inches of rain!
Saw many little brown birds that must have blown in with the cold front
Refreshed Hummingbird feders, reduced the number of feeders to four.

Raccoon (and other night mammals) special treat: Dog food, peanuts, bird seed and grapes.
Posted in
Census, Habitat, Food, 2014 Journal