Archive for 'Shelter' Category
Installed (2) Wren bird houses, (1) at back porch and (1) at pole barn
Watered Cedar Elms along road (left the water on slow drip for two days)
Saw Various Butterflies including Dogface, Orange Sulphur, Checkered White, Sleepy Orange, Checkered Skipper, Juniper Hairstreak and Black Swallowtail and saw hudreds of bees on Rosemary bush in full bloom.

Juniper Hairstreak butterfly and Honey Bee sharing nector on the Rosemary bush.
Posted in
Census, Habitat, Shelter, 2014 Journal
Repaired stick dam above pond
Rescued fish
Posted in
Habitat, Shelter, 2013 Journal
Beefed up berms to preapre for expected rain.
1.9 inches of rain!
Observed erosion control efforts and made adjustments where needed
Spread Black oil Sunflower seeds along the roads for Turkeys
Saw Hummingbirds in courtship dance, swooping high into the air in large arcs.
Saw very small baby Gecko eating moths on the screen door
Planted Buffalo Grass and Blue Grama seeds
Caged Antelope Horn milkweed to protect from foot taffic at barn
Installed home made bird house

Home made bird house installed
Posted in
Census, Habitat, Erosion, Shelter, Food, 2013 Journal
Cleaned out gunk from 'bathtub' trough at well house - found dead tadpoles and fish and water was eutrifying. After removing gunk, added a Bullrush plant in a pot and some algae. Many fish still alive and well
Cold front
Saw 10 Robins in Lantana bush
Saw Chickadee, and saw Wren under porch
Saw lots of butterflies (Yellow, Snouts, Cloudless Sulfurs, Gulf Fritillarys and Grass Skippers)
Saw Cardinal and House Finch
Saw Woodpecker on seed ball

Woodpecker eating a seed while perched on seedball
Posted in
Census, Habitat, Shelter, Water, 2012 Journal
Rained 7/10 of an inch, good slow soak overnight
Saw Possum and Raccoons at feeding area
Saw Rock Squirrel and Hummingbirds
Saw 2 Does, one small Buck and 2 spotted Fawns
Fed Deer milo
Removed more invasive plants
Continued to relocate 200+ fish from large pond to river

Scooping up Gambusia with a bucket to relocate from large pond to river
Posted in
Census, Habitat, Shelter, Food, 2012 Journal
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