Archive for '2012 Journal' Category
Refreshed all Hummingbird feeders
Observed rare "Red Katydid", suspected of eating leaves from the Live Oak trees.
Heard Purple Martin song and saw three passing by
Heard Chuck-wills Widow
Saw 1 pregnant Deer and 2 young does
Fed Raccoons dogfood in woodpile
Saw small Ribbon Snake eating fish in the small pond
Planted Horsetail next to pond
Planted 2 creeping Rosemary plants to deter Deer on Raccoon path to dogfood
Saw Northern Cardinal nest with 3 eggs
Northern Cardinal nest with 3 eggs.
Posted in
Census, Habitat, Shelter, Food, 2012 Journal
Refreshed all Hummingbird feeders
Saw 2 Eastern Phoebe's around the back porch
Posted in
Census, 2012 Journal, Food
Refreshed all Hummingbird feeders
Heard Chuck-wills Widow
Saw 2 Monarch Butterfly caterpillars
Saw 20 Gulf Fritilary caterpillars
Saw 5 Leopard Frogs in small pond near house
Continued to remove muck and invasive plants from large pond, rescued tadpoles
Saw Painted Bunting
Saw a large variety of Butterlies and caterpillars: Admirals, Gulf Frtitilary, Monarch, Checkered Skipper, Pipevive Swallowtail, Dainty Sulpher, Painted Ladies, and Common Buckeye
Saw 2 Garter snakes on road near front gate
Eastern Phoebe building nest on back porch
Eastern Phoebe nest on top of a pipe along the wall on the back porch.
Posted in
Census, 2012 Journal, Food, Water
Saw Hummingbird collecting Bushy Bluestem grass seed heads for nesting material.
Very many insects, worms, caterpillars and butterflies
Refreshed all Hummingbird feeders
Saw a Hawk
Saw 2 Red-striped ribbon snakes
Treated multiple Fire Ant mounds
Planted 2, 4 inch pots of Blackfoot Daisy
Planted 1/4 pound of Native Texas Seed mix from Native American Seed Company
:Indian Blanket, Black-eyed Susan,Clasping Conflower,Mexican Hat,Prarie Coneflower, Plains Coreopsis,Blubonnet, Lemon MInt
Got four new native Texas water plants that can be used in either the small or large pond.
: Eel grass, Najas-Guadalupe water nymph, Yellow Water lilly and Horsetail
Eel Grass and native Water Lilly in containers and placed in pond.
Posted in
Census, Habitat, Predator, Food, Water, 2012 Journal
Refreshed Hummingbird feeders
Many feeders near empty
Saw Lark Sparrow
Hummingbird feeding on Cardinal Flower. Hummingbirds are attracted to any flower is tubular shaped and especially red in color.
Posted in
Census, 2012 Journal, Food
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