Archive for '2002 Journal' Category
- Kingfisher
- Cardinal, baby at feeder
- Turkeys, approximately 2 dozen roosting at river

- Red tailed hawk, 2 at river
- Hummingbird
- Wren
- Mourning doves, one dozen at barn
- Chickadee, at feeder
- Titmouse, at feeder
- Scrub Jay
- Coral snake, red, yellow, black stripes, 1 1/2 feet long, moving deliberately across trail to river behind barn towards river, disappeared under leaf little and log
- Turtle in river, may be the same one released there last year
- Owl dropping found in house under construction
- Leopard frog, 2 at well
- Frog egg mass in river
- Lizards
- Deer
- Cat, black, near bard (plan trap)
- Raccoon tracks and scat
- Rabbit
- Squirrel
- Yellow jacket nest destroyed in walls of house
- Garden spiders
- Bass, one foot long
- Mushroom, unidentified, near yucca at driveway
Posted in
2002 Journal, Census
- Removed 20 box elders along river trail, approximately 2000 sq. ft.
- Revegitation plan:
- Protect volunteer walnut and bois d'arc
- add yaupon holly
- elderberry
- sycamore
- Brush: secure tree brush tied onto stakes with wire, on contours at river bottom, to prevent downstream damage (will wait until winter when flowering plants have finished)
Posted in
2002 Journal, Habitat
20 inches of rain in 24 days, low water crossing was flooded/impassible for 16 days, the longest ever
- Lantana blooming
- Land is lush, swales worked
- Draw at river bottom filled with dirt, new trail accessible to north fence line
- North goat fence secure
Posted in
2002 Journal, Habitat
Saw a fox
Posted in
2002 Journal, Census
- Canyon wren
- Yellow bellied bird at river, long beak, long tail, smallish
- Titmice
- Yellow striped lizard
Posted in
2002 Journal, Census
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