Shot one Doe, 70-80 lbs, 2 years old
Posted in
Habitat, 2014 Journal
Saw Lesser Goldfinch
Saw Wren
Saw Phoebe
Saw a large flock of White Wing Doves
Saw a flock of 40 Wild Turkeys
Saw adult and juvenile Rufous Hummingbirds at Hummingbird feeders
Caretakers Note: It appears that the Rufous Hummingbirds are either over wintering here or are still migrating through. This is a good reason to keep 3 Hummingbird feeders refreshed every 5 days in the winter.
Interesting grass growing on top of a rock in the river, sorrounded by flying insects.
Posted in
Census, Habitat, Food, 2013 Journal
Collected seeds from the land and nearby roadways of: Flame Leaf Sumac, Lantana, Trumpet Vine , and Frost Weed
Planted collected seeds at one acre in upper Nort/West corner
Posted in
Habitat, 2013 Journal
Saw Rufous Hummingbird
Planted seeds collected from Brushy Bluestem and Trumpet Vine along draws, along the bluff and at the base of selected dead trees.
Posted in
Census, Habitat, 2013 Journal
Scattered seeds collected from Trumpet Creeper Vine in brush piles along fenceline to the river and over the edge of the bluff.
Saw 8 point Buck with Doe and fawn at River bottom.
Saw migrant Rufous Hummingbird at Hummingbird feeder.
Saw Ladder Backed Woodpecker
Saw Anole Lizards
Saw Rock Squirrels
Saw 15 Turkeys
Posted in
Census, Habitat, 2013 Journal