Archive for '2003 Journal' Category
- Planted seeds:
- caliche grass mix
- butterfly seed ball mix
- apache mix
- watersto_jennystone grass mix for house area, buffalo, blue grama, sprangletop, topped with hay
- Prairie starter mix and Indian grass over septic
Posted in
2003 Journal, Habitat
- Golden cheeked warbler male heard in tree tops around house
- Workers reported seeing:
- Scissortail
- painted bunting
- hawk
- small gray snake
- green snake
Posted in
2003 Journal, Census
Rolled out hay bales on the ground for erosion control on septic field
Posted in
2003 Journal, Erosion
- 8 Goldfinch
- 10 sparrows, chestnut cap, white eye stripe with black stripe over eye, buff body, striped wing, feeding on the ground
Posted in
2003 Journal, Census
- large flock of robins seen near bird feeding area in the evening, flew off south towards the river
- young male and female cardinals
- 2 quarreling scrubjayes
- finch
- chickadee
- titmice
- flycatcher at river
- 6 cardinals
- doe
Posted in
2003 Journal, Census
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