Refreshed all Hummingbird feeders
Posted in
2012 Journal, Food
Refreshed all Hummingbird feeders
Put out sunflower seeds on back wall outside the kitchen window
Saw a female Cardinal feeding her baby
Noticed limb fell off bee Cypress tree in storm
Posted in
Census, 2012 Journal, Habitat, Food
Very strong thunderstorms and very high winds, 3/4 inch rain showing
Saw a snake upstairs outside
Posted in
Census, 2012 Journal, Food
Refreshed all Hummingbird feeders
Posted in
2012 Journal, Food
Saw Rock Squirrel and one dozen Deer
Put out milo to feed Deer
Continued to remove invasive egeria from large pond
Rescued 100+ Gambusia fish from pond and released in river
Rescued 20 Grandaddy Long Legs from house and released outside
Removed invasive Johnson grass around the river trail
Improving river trail
Rock Squirrel climbing up rock wall
Posted in
Census, 2012 Journal, Habitat, Food