July 04 2008
2/10-inch rain
Two male Fallow deer waiting at deer feeding area, very tame and with broken horns.

Caretaker's note: These 2 Fallow deer passed through to feed at the White-tailed deer feeding station. They are very tame and let us get close enough to almost feed a carrot by hand. Based on one's broken horn, it seems they are aggressive with one another . They were also very aggressive towards the native deer and chased them away from the feeding station. They did not stay long and must have moved on.
- Hummingbird feeders all empty after 4 days
- Dung beetles cleaning up deer droppings
This entry was posted on Friday July 04 2008 at 3:01 pm and is filed under 2008 Journal, Census, Food You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed.