August 17 2008
Competitive birder visited in hopes of finding a broad tailed hummingbird. Instead saw a Rufous hummingbird.

Caretaker's note: A "competitive birder" is one who competes with other bird watchers to find the first species in a certain area in the season. It is a friendly competition that experienced bird watchers use to sharpen their skills at identifying birds.
- Saw a flycatcher
- Female Summer tanager
- Mourning Dove

- Sparrows
- Eastern phoebe
- Jackrabbit
- Heard woodpeckers
Learned that Johnson grass has value for wildlife. King Ranch bluestem has no wildlife value.
Hackberry trees are valuable for cavity nesting birds and the sugarberries are an important wildlife food.
This entry was posted on Sunday August 17 2008 at 10:11 am and is filed under 2008 Journal, Census, Habitat You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed.