September 12 2021
Interesting sunset
Caretakers established a new feeding area for Racoons near the bluff edge to the river. A large cage is erected over a place with bare exposed rock, to scatter dry dog food and bird seed. This was done to prevent the Racoons from gathering too closely together on the porch. The cage was later expanded to a taller height to prevent deer from jumping inside.
A watering area was created near the feeding pen for Raccoons. A slow drip from a water hose keeps the water fresh.
Dead Ashe Juniper poles and branches are laid on countour for erosion control.
The new tall native grasses are growing very well around it.
Old Feral Hog Boar on the porch eating birdseed with Raccoons and other nocturnal animals.
The Caretaker moved a Sunflower seed bowl away from the house for it.
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