Archive for 'Habitat' Category
Began Deer hunting to reduce poulations and protect the land from heavy browsing.
Shot 6 point Buck, 3 years old, 130 pounds
Shot Doe, 2years old, 110 pounds
Shot Doe, 2 years old, 110 pounds
Shot Doe, 3 years old, 110 pounds (had yearling with her)
Posted in
2011 Journal, Census, Habitat
Refreshed Hummingbird feeders
Found dead Raccoon in Man-made pond, we suspect that it was the sick one we saw last week stumbling with distemper. The sick animals eyes glow green instead of yellow in LED light. It could have gotten caught in the thick pond plants and did not have the strenghth to get out.
Saw Turkeys throughout the day, 2 Toms and 6 hens
New Raccoon feeding routine to keep area very clean and dog food pans spread apart.
Saw Hummingbird
Removed Salvinia molesta (an invasive non-native plant) from the man-made pond and from the house pond. We will remove all invasive pond plants in one year.
Removed Ligustrum, Chinaberry (both invasive foreign species) and a few Box Elders along river trail.
Saw Hawk chasing White-winged Dove at feeding area near house.
Ventral view of Red Admiral butterfly
Posted in
2011 Journal, Census, Habitat, Predator, Food, Water
Seed collector from the Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center, Minnette Marr came to see our Pipevine Swanflower (Aristolochiaceae erecta) to consider using seeds for a short grass blend that they are working on. We only have one plant that we know of and did not share the seeds.
Seed pod of Pipevine Swanflower (Aristolochiaceae erecta)
Posted in
2011 Journal, Habitat
4" rain!
Saw Woodpecker at seedball
Studied Swan flower
Saw Hummingbird chase a little brown bird away from its feeder
Saw unusual large orange ants
Posted in
2011 Journal, Census, Habitat
Refreshed all Hummingbird feeders
Saw a Fox by the Rain Barn
many Turkeys at wood pile feeding area
Saw a Skunk go under the porch
Two Woodpeckers at seedball
2.1 inches of rain!
many flowers blooming
Saw many butterflies
Saw bird eating bugs on Bottle brush tree
Prickly Pear cactus with a white web of the Cochineal bug, also called the Red Dye Bug because it has been used to make a red dye. It does not harm the cactus.
Posted in
2011 Journal, Census, Habitat, Food
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