November 12 1998
Habitat Control
- No cattle grazing on site
- Reseeding etc.
- In swales by hand.
- At draw - pecan, possomhaw holly, big bluestem, little bluestem by hand, four o'clocks behind barn, turk's cap, goldeneye.
- Along roadside - four o'clocks, goldeneye, bushy bluestem, little bluestem, buffalo grass, oak, turk's cap
- Raccoon draw - pecans
- Bluff edge - butterfly white flower
- River shore - cypress
- Tipi pasture - buffalo grass with leaf litter and compost.
- (See seed list to be used to make seed balls.)
- Forest Management
- Pruned and cut cedars the entire length of draw (from north fence to bluff), mulched and spread on roads and trails.
- Pruned and cut cedars throughout along roads. Left some brush piles.
- Cut and collected cedar poles along river trail to edge of warbler world.
- Marked cedars with pink tape for future removal.
- Marked cedars to be pruned to allow ground cover with orange tape.
- Cut baby cedar growth throughout with loppers
- covered red oak seedlings with branchy cedar brush to protect from deer browse.
- Cut and grubbed roots of Chinaberry tree at bluff edge. Left skeleton standing.
This entry was posted on Thursday November 12 1998 at 3:47 pm and is filed under 1998 Journal, Habitat You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed.