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Archive for 'Census' Category

October 21 2017

Young skunk at seed bowl on porch.

Posted in Census, 2017 Journal

October 15 2017

Fuzzy caterpillar found under a leaf along the river trail.

Posted in Census, 2017 Journal

September 22 2017

  • Hunting neighbor reported seeing 60 Does and 30 Bucks, some with large horns in the pasture. Caretakers are setting up for hunting season to reduce the number of White-tail Deer.

A new hunting system with feeders, at Hay barn. There are a total of 5 hunting areas on the land.

Posted in Census, 2017 Journal

April 23 2017

Val Ramirez takes the large 'Goin Fencing' live hog trap for other customers to use. A project of the Caldwell County Feral Hog Task Force. This is the end of feral hogs on the property at this time.

Posted in Census, Habitat, 2017 Journal

March 22 2017


Val Ramirez the hog trapper comes to collect a group of feral hogs caught in the large live trap set up in the pasture. The trap must be set up in such a way there is room to manuever a trailer to collect them.

Vals trailer has a wire cage chute which is set up on the doorway so that the hogs can enter to get into the trailer. The hog sounder visits the bait box inside the trap during the night. He watches them on his cell phone from the remote camera and closes the trap door when they are all inside. This happened at 2 am.

This family of feral hogs will be taken to a nearby game hunting ranch where they will live together on the land until shot by hunters.

Posted in Census, 2017 Journal

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