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June 14 2015

Three baby Wrens in Purple Martin House nest.

Posted in Census, 2015 Journal

May 23 2015

  • Received emergency call at 7:30pm to watch for flood event
  • Huge flood on Blanco River that washed out the Fischer Store bridge, caused a rise 50 to 60 feet above normal levels.
  • Heard and saw many large Bald Cypress trees and others, snapping and breaking loudly in the rising waters.
  • Lost access to river because steps washed away 

Just a few minutes before, we were standing on the upper landing watching the river rise on the steps, we moved to the bluff trail and then saw the steps floating by in the river flood, at the top of the 50 foot bluff.

  • The river came up above the rock bluff edge (50 +feet)
  • Emergency officials were offering evacuations for neighbors who did not want to be stranded with no electricity and trapped by the one way flooded low water crossing which was not passable for 10 days.

Vulture Gulch after the big flood, the narrow canyon walls caused a loss of most all of the large Cypress, Pecan, Sycamore and other trees. Compare this photo to the Journal entry on May 17, 2015  for perspective.

Posted in Census, Habitat, Erosion, 2015 Journal

May 22 2015

  • Introduced Monarch Butterfly eggs and caterpillars to Antelope Horn plants.
  • Transplanted 2 small Monarch Caterpillars to Antelope Horn plant in mulch pile at upper pasture
  • Planted 1 Tropical Milkweed plant with Monarch eggs near Antelope Horn in mulch pile at upper pasture
  • Layed 8 clippings of Milkweed plant with 1 Monarch egg each to Antelope Horn in mulch pile
  • 1 Monarch caterpillaar relocated to Antelope Horn near pole barn, added protective netting over plants to avoid red wasp predation

Posted in Census, 2015 Journal

May 17 2015

  • Saw Monarch Butterfly flying north across upper pasture.
  • Blanco River flooded the low water crossing at noon, it was passable the next morning.
  • Saw 2 small Nine lined racing Lizards
  • Saw Rose Finch
  • Saw Porcupine at Milo ans Sunflower seed feeding area
  • Heard Golden-cheeked Warbler
  • Saw Turkey
  • Planted one ounce Maximillian Sunflower seeds at septic spray area and at hay barn pond
  • Saw Possum

Blanco River flooded at Vulture Gulch. This image is used as a "before " picture to compare to the big 50 foot flood rise on May 23, 2015, Memorial Day weekend. Compare this image to Journal entry May 23, 2015 for perspective.

Posted in Census, Habitat, Food, 2015 Journal

May 12 2015

  • Saw Hawk hunting White-winged Doves
  • Saw Possum
  • Sprinkled lime in basement to arrest mold, rescued one small frog and one toad, then closed the entrance hole with copper mesh.

Tiny tree frog rescued from basement, caretaker put it in the sink where it seemed to enjoy being washed off, then it was set free.

Posted in Census, Habitat, 2015 Journal

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