Archive for 'Census' Category
Refreshed Hummingbird feeders
Caught Mouse in house in live trap
Posted in
Census, Food, 2014 Journal
Saw Turtles in river
Saw 6 Turkeys
Saw 2 very small Anole Lizards
Saw Coral Snake, about 20 inches long and 3/8 size diameter- Recalls the saying " Red and Yellow Kill a Fellow, Red and Black Friend to Jack"
Posted in
Census, 2014 Journal
Saw Scorpion
Saw Jack Rabbit
Posted in
Census, 2014 Journal
Worker saw 2 Turkey hens with 8 young Turkeys. One hen led the way while the second hen herded the young Turkey chicks "like a cow dog".
Saw Road Runner
Worked on second 6 foot metal water tank in upper north side to allow overflowon the ground for small creatures.
Posted in
Census, Water, 2014 Journal
Saw 1 Turkey hen with 4 chicks in driveway
Posted in
Census, 2014 Journal
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