April 25 2014
- Refreshed Hummingbird feeders
- Removed Feral Cat
- Watered MIlkweed plants in North /East corner
- Saw Mockingbird pair
- Saw Sparrow pair
- Saw Lincoln Sparrow
- Saw Jack Rabbit at Hay Barn Pond
Posted in Census, Predator, Food, 2014 Journal
Posted in Census, Predator, Food, 2014 Journal
Posted in Census, Food, 2014 Journal
Found a Texas Rat Snake entangled in netting in Rain Barn.
The Caretaker carefully and gently cut away the netting to free the snake, using scissors and a very tiny knife that cut the net, but did not harm the snake. When free, it was set loose at the man made pond, where it swam across then turned to look at Caretakers.
The Texas Rat Snake freed from netting and ready to be set free.
Caretakers Note: It is very important to secure netting of any kind in an enclosed container to avoid injury to wildlife.
Posted in Census, 2014 Journal
Posted in Census, Habitat, 2014 Journal
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