Archive for 'Census' Category
Heard and saw a Golden-cheeked Warbler singing on the highest branches of trees in the thick woods South of house
Saw young Rock Squirrels frolicking
Saw a pair of Crows
Saw Hummingbird mating dance with large sweeping movements suggesting that females have successfully migrated
Rescued Skink that was basking in the sun on the warm road - Removed from road and relocated to bathtub pond area
Saw Armadillo

This Skink was removed from the middle of the road, placed in an orange bucket and relocated to the woody area near the bathtub pond.
Posted in
Census, 2014 Journal
Put out more Hummingbird feeders
Saw about 10 Hummingbirds
Refreshed Hummingbird feeders
Posted in
Census, Food, 2014 Journal
Saw 2 flocks of 50 Geese flying North
Planted Trumpet Creeper Vine seeds at dead Elms
Began entry fence at North/West corner
Posted in
Census, Habitat, 2014 Journal
Saw a Jack Rabbit crossing the North side of the road at dusk
Visited with neighbor who also slowed down when saw rabbit crossing the road
Saw Mockingbird and Scrub Jay at hay barn
Re-excavated 2nd hay barn pond with Limestone ripples

Very interesting limestone ripples exposed. It is the old sea bed from the Cretaceous Era.
Posted in
Census, Habitat, Water, 2014 Journal
Saw 5 Hummingbirds
Added new additional Hummingbird feeders, now at 7
Refreshed Hummingbird feeders
Saw male Wren feed a female Wren a Worm
Excavated 2nd pond at hay barn - looks good
Saw 10 male Turkeys - one waited for the last one to join
Repaired frozen faucet at upper Deer place - A leak watered an area of 5000 ft.
Cold hard winds brought more Hummingbirds
Saw a large flock of Geese containing 3 large strands of about 50 each

Flocks of Geese flying North
Posted in
Census, Habitat, Food, 2014 Journal
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