Archive for 'Census' Category
Saw large flock of 50 Wild Turkeys
Saw 30 Cardinals

Some of the large group of Wild Turkeys
Posted in
Census, 2013 Journal
Scattered seeds collected from Trumpet Creeper Vine in brush piles along fenceline to the river and over the edge of the bluff.
Saw 8 point Buck with Doe and fawn at River bottom.
Saw migrant Rufous Hummingbird at Hummingbird feeder.
Saw Ladder Backed Woodpecker
Saw Anole Lizards
Saw Rock Squirrels
Saw 15 Turkeys
Posted in
Census, Habitat, 2013 Journal
Saw male and female Kinglet - probably Ruby-crowned or Golden-crowned
Created road signs that state "Slow Down in Wildlife Areas'"

Posted in
Census, Habitat, 2013 Journal
Signed hunting agreement with neighbor to hunt Deer on our land
Saw Rufous Hummingbird
Worked on a plan to seal leaky dam
Posted in
Census, Habitat, 2013 Journal
Refreshed Hummingbird feeders
Saw 1 Hummingbird and many Cardinals
Received 12 inches of rain overnight
Observed erosion
Posted in
Census, Erosion, Food, 2013 Journal
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