Archive for 'Census' Category
Refreshed Hummingbird feeders
1/4 inch rain!
Saw female Turkey
Saw Garter Snake while re-arranging wood pile storage
Posted in
Census, Habitat, Food, 2013 Journal
Heard Golden-cheeked Warbler
Transplanted 2 volunteer Cedar Elms away from the house into cages near driveway where many Cedar Elms have died from drought or beetles.

Volunteer Cedar Elm was transplanted away from the house, they are 8 inches tall.
Posted in
Census, Habitat, 2013 Journal
Beefed up berms to preapre for expected rain.
1.9 inches of rain!
Observed erosion control efforts and made adjustments where needed
Spread Black oil Sunflower seeds along the roads for Turkeys
Saw Hummingbirds in courtship dance, swooping high into the air in large arcs.
Saw very small baby Gecko eating moths on the screen door
Planted Buffalo Grass and Blue Grama seeds
Caged Antelope Horn milkweed to protect from foot taffic at barn
Installed home made bird house

Home made bird house installed
Posted in
Census, Habitat, Erosion, Shelter, Food, 2013 Journal
Added old rotting boards to berm in cactus field for erosion control
Extended berm into the woods from the speed bump on the road
Removed invasive pond plant
Saw 30 Pine Siskins

Pine Siskin in blooming Mexican Buckeye tree
Posted in
Census, Habitat, Erosion, 2013 Journal
Refreshed Hummingbird feeders, now 13 feeders.
Saw very many small brown birds
Posted in
Census, Food, 2013 Journal
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