Archive for 'Census' Category
Continued to spread Christmas tree mulch onto trails and driveways
Saw a Black Crested Titmouse looking into every opening of the Purple Martin House system

White Wing Doves resting on Purple Martin bird house
Posted in
Census, Erosion, 2013 Journal
The first meaningful rain in more than 6 months, 2.6 inches! There was no visible run off. It had been dry for so long that the rain soaked into the ground.
Saw Wild Turkeys
Saw many Lesser Goldfinches
Posted in
Census, Habitat, Erosion, 2013 Journal
Saw small Skunk eating dogfood at Raccoon feeding area
Saw Rock Squirrels

A large group of 30 Wild Turkeys roam around the house, caretakers put out Black-oil Sunflower seeds, scattered on the ground.
Posted in
Census, Food, 2013 Journal
Heard Coyotes at night
Saw 2 Rock Squirrels
Put out Sunflower seeds and Feed Nut Mix for birds and Squirrels
Saw Rufous Hummingbird at feeder
Posted in
Census, 2012 Journal, Food
Heard Coyotes at night
Saw a large flock of Black Vultures
Saw a Rufous Hummingbird at feeders
Refreshed three hummingbird feeders
Caretakers note: It is very unusual to see Hummingbirds in the wintertime. On occasion, a lone Hummingbird will miss the migration with its fellow birds and is a late straggler. This is why we leave up a few feeders even in the winter when most Hummingbirds have migrated south for the winter.
Saw thirty plus Wild Turkeys

Posted in
Census, 2012 Journal, Food
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