Archive for 'Census' Category
This small Gecko Lizard was rescued from a freezing sidewalk last December. We think it fell out of the woodwork down onto the walkway. When we found it, it was sprawled out on its back and was so cold it could not move and it was almost stepped on. Caretakers kept it in a terrarium and set it up with old fence boards to replicate the natural habitat for a Mediterraneum Gecko. Caretakers bought a box of small crickets and and fed it from time to time. Today it was released into the wild by simply opening the top of the cage and letting it go.
While the top of the terrarium was opened so that Gecko could go free if it wanted, this small Anole Lizard was attracted to the crickets. It climbed in and out as the Gecko watched.
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Census, Habitat, 2014 Journal
Neighbor reported seeing a Mountain Lion with a cub crossing into the upper pasture Ranchers nearby have reported losing a few goats. Caretakers hope the Mountain Lion will take some Deer.
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Census, 2014 Journal

This small female Raccoon always comes up to the porch feeding area first thing in the evening.
At about 8:30 pm for the first time she brought her baby to the food pan. The Kit really likes grapes, too.
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Census, Food, 2014 Journal
Saw a Mexican Free Tailed Bat in the evening
Set up water bubbler for new 8 foot water tank
Observed a few tadpoles that have hatched in 8 foot water tank
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Census, Water, 2014 Journal
Cleaned out muck from water tank in upper pasture
Improved fish protector. A screen is attached to the side of the metal tank using clamps and an old water hose to prevent fish from being washed out during a rain event or other overflows.
Saw Hawk at bird feeding area
Added plants and fish to new 8 foot water tank in pasture
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Census, Water, 2014 Journal
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