Archive for 'Census' Category
refreshed Hummingbird feders
Saw Rosy House Finch
Saw Turkeys

Armadillo foraging through bird seed
Posted in
Census, Food, 2014 Journal
Saw Jack Rabbit
Saw Cottontail Rabbit
Saw Road Runner
Added water plants to new 6 foot water tank in north pasture
Added mosquito fish to new 6 foot tank in north pasture
made a plan to create shade for the new water tank
Saw many Dragonflies
Posted in
Census, Habitat, Water, 2014 Journal
Refreshed Hummingbird feeders
Cleaned out water trough at upper pasture, removed algae and let overflow a bit
Road Runner observed the cleaning of the trough
Posted in
Census, Food, Water, 2014 Journal
Refreshed Hummingbird feeders
Saw 3 Turkey hens with 6 small (juveniles)
Posted in
Census, Food, 2014 Journal
Saw Juvenile Jack Rabbit
Opened new hole in the net wire fence for Deer to easily move about with their fawns
Fed Deer one 50 pound bag of Milo in upper water tank area to begin training them to viist the winter hunting area
Posted in
Census, Habitat, Food, 2014 Journal
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