December 26 2013
- Refreshed 3 Hummingbird feeders
- Saw a Rufous Hummingbird
Posted in Census, Food, 2013 Journal
Posted in Census, Food, 2013 Journal
Caretakers Note: It appears that the Rufous Hummingbirds are either over wintering here or are still migrating through. This is a good reason to keep 3 Hummingbird feeders refreshed every 5 days in the winter.
Interesting grass growing on top of a rock in the river, sorrounded by flying insects.
Posted in Census, Habitat, Food, 2013 Journal
Posted in Census, Habitat, 2013 Journal
White-tailed Deer watch and Wild Turkeys eat sunflower seeds that were scattered on the ground for them by the Caretaker. The Turkeys were persistent in chasing the deer away from their feedeing area.
Posted in Census, 2013 Journal
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