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Archive for 'Census' Category

May 11 2013

  • Saw Fox at feeding area
  • Saw Rabbit running away
  • Heard Chuck-wills Widow
  • Saw 3 young Rock Squirrels
  • Refreshed Hummingbird feeders

Observed rain event run-off at new brush and mulch berm, it is working well.

Posted in Census, Erosion, Food, 2013 Journal

May 06 2013

  • Saw Painted Bunting, male and female
  • Saw Scrub Jaye, male and female
  • Heard Golden-cheeked Warbler
  • Saw snake in small frog pond
  • Worked on clearing Junipers from under large oak trees in Oak grove on Upper South woodland
  • Layed out markers on contour to place the brush and mulch

Blanco River in good condition

Posted in Census, Habitat, Erosion, 2013 Journal

April 29 2013

  • Refreshed Hummingbird feeders
  • Planted Horsetail at pond
  • Planted seeds in septic field, "Sustainable Dove and Quail" Mix from Native American Seed- Big Bluestem, Switchgrass, Sideoats Grama, Little Bluestem, Indiangrass, Texas Cupgrass
  • Planted seeds in septic field "Deer Resistance Mix" from Native American Seed- Black-eyed Susan, Clasping Coneflower, Drummond Phlox, Illinois Bundleflower, Indian Blanket, Lazy Daisy, lemon Mint, Obedient Plant, Partridge Pea, Pink Evening P{rimrose, Plains Corepsis
  • Bird seed mix for birdfeeders is Wild Delight "Nut N' Berry"
  • Saw young Rock Squirrels

Young Rock Squirrel eating Black oil Sunflower seeds

Posted in Census, Habitat, Food, 2013 Journal

April 20 2013

  • Saw two Dung Beetles pushing a dung ball down the road. The male and female were cooperating with one beetle in front pulling and the other beetle in the back pushing. They would stop and one would try to dig a hole in the ground for the dung ball, give up and move on repeatedly. The caretakers finally moved the two beetles with the dung ball to an area of soft soil to ensure their success.
  • Saw two young Rock Squirrels exploring the yard.
  • Planted native pond edge plants- Bigfoot Clover, Fall Obedient plant, Dixie Iris
  • Added tree cuttings to berm at the pond to catch dirt
  • Saw and caged Pipevine grass mimic after seeing a Pipevine Swallowtail Butterfly ovapositing on the leaves. The cage is marked and the road is re-reouted around the plant.

Pipevine plant is a grass mimic, only noticed because a Pipevine Swallowtail was seen laying eggs on it. The orange tape surrounds a small cage for indentification and protection.

Posted in Census, Habitat, Erosion, 2013 Journal

April 13 2013

  • Saw Coral Snake
  • Planted "Hummers and Singers" Seed mix from Native American Seed in a cage with compost-Greenthread, Bush Sunflower, Partridge Pea, American Basketflower, Purple Coneflower, Cutleaf Daisy, Illinois Bundleflower, Lemon Mint, Drummond Phlox, Purple Prairie Clover, White Gaura, Black-Eyed Susan, Maximillain Sunflower, Gayfeather, Scarlet Sage, Standing Cypress, Butterfly Weed, Mealy Blue Sage, Winecup, Pink Evening Primrose, Foxglove
  • Planted water lilly in large pond (Deer ate it)
  • Planted Cup Grass seeds in front yard for Painted Bunting
  • Saw Painted Bunting
  • Saw Indigo Bunting
  • Saw Golden-cheeked Warbler at water spray

Golden-cheeked Warbler bathing in water spray

Posted in Census, Habitat, 2013 Journal

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