Archive for 'Census' Category
Saw Six-lined Racerunner Lizard
Saw many Wild Turkeys
Saw ten Deer together in field
Posted in
Census, 2013 Journal
Saw Red Wasps
Repaired bird feeder
Posted in
Census, Food, 2013 Journal
Fed Wild Turkey sunflower seeds
Saw Rock Squirrel
15 Butterfly species identified and photographed: Orange Sulfur Butterfly, Juniper Hairstreak, Henry's Elfin, Fiery Skipper, Pipevine Swallowtail, Funeral Duskywing, Southern Dogface, Checkered Skipper, Black Swallowtail, Gray Hairstreak, Cloudless Sulfur, Gulf Fritillary, Admiral, Dainty Sulfur, Sleepy Orange

Orange Sulfur Butterfly
Posted in
Census, Food, 2013 Journal
Saw Fox
Removed invasive pond plant from man-made pond with tranfer water pump, sprayed the muck from the bottom of the pond onto high ground around the land.
Saw Wild Turkeys roosting at dusk
Fed Deer Milo
Contibuted to "Great backyard Bird Count", a project of Cornell Lab of Ornithology,
30 Wild Turkeys
20 Lesser Goldfinch
2 Carolina Wren
50 White Winged Dove
12 Mourning Dove
12 Northern Cardinal
4 Black-crested Titmouse
4 Carolina Chickadee
2 Chipping Sparrows
2 Ladder-backed Woodpecker
2 Eastern Phoebe
1 Red Tailed Hawk
12 Black Vultures
8 Turkey Vultures
20 Pine Siskin
1 Red-breasted Nuthatch

Juniper Hairstreak Butterfly
Posted in
Census, Habitat, Water, 2013 Journal
Saw large flock of Wild Turkeys, about 30
Saw many Lesser Goldfinches
Saw a few Cardinals
Saw Black Crested Titmouse
Saw Chickadees
Posted in
Census, 2013 Journal
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