Archive for 'Census' Category
Fed Raccoons dogfood at porch feeding area, saw about 30
Saw Black Vultures along river
Saw Red Tailed Hawk
Saw numerous Ducks flying along river
Saw Rock Squirrell
Saw many Wild Turkeys
Put out Milo for Deer
Put out Black oil Sunflower seeds for Turkeys
Posted in
Census, Food, 2013 Journal
Saw two Pipe Vine Swallowtail Butterflies
Saw Turkeys
Put out food for all animals: Milo and Black Oil Sunflowr seeds scattered on the ground in feeeding areas, refilled all bird feeders with Black Oil Sunflower seeds, Striped Sunflower seeds, Nut N Berry Mix, and Niger Seed.
Posted in
Census, Food, 2013 Journal
Began removing deep sticky muck from the bottom of man-made pond and also removed invasive non-native water plants. Water and muck was sprayed onto high ground away from the pond drainage area.
Saw Eastern Phoebe returning to nesting site on the back porch.
Posted in
Census, Habitat, 2013 Journal
Refreshed Hummingbird feeders for the Rufous Hummingbird that seems to be overwintering here.
Saw a Tom Turkey near the house on the road.
Saw Woodpeckers
Saw many Finches

Turkey Vultures roosting at river bottom area
Posted in
Census, Food, 2013 Journal
Continued clearing Juniper dead branches and mulching it to put onto roads for erosion control.
Fed Raccoons dogfood
Saw and rescued 2 small Geckos, both male and female who were hibernating in an old sheet.
Saw Canyon Wren looking for a nest site at the house, there are 3 Wren nest boxes.
Posted in
Census, Erosion, Food, 2013 Journal
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